The end of the season is upon us, and more Championship games are scheduled for Sunday. Three divisions have already been played, and our schedule for this weekend is set:
D2/30A Ice FC/White Ice vs. Titans 1:00 pm on Premier Park #3
30B Kurdistan – Won the Championship – Congratulations!
40A Peru FC – Championship Winners – Congratulations!
40B Prestige WW vs. A C Milan 3:00 pm on Premier Park #3
40C Dallas VFC – Winners of 40C – Congratulations!
50A Porto Alegre vs. Atlanta 10:00 am on Premier Park #4
50B Apaches vs. DeVan United 11:00 am on Premier Park #3
55A Deportivo Tapatio v Dallas United12:30 pm on Premier Park #5
55B BioMav 55 vs. Korean Tiger BW 2:30 pm on Premier Park #5
ND 40 Legends v Korean Tiger BW12:00 noon on Premier Park #4
We are looking forward to a great weekend; congratulations to all of our playoff teams and new Champions!
If you have any pictures you want us to post on our Instagram account please send all photos to